Fear of Flying Audio Course
with Captain Stacey Chance
Based on the Proven Online Fear of Flying Help Course Quickly Ease Your Anxiety and Overcome the Fear of Flying!
Air travel doesn't have to be unpleasant, for this reason I have developed this unique fear of flying course.
You will find my course helps foster a positive mind set and inspires confidence as it coaches passengers on the mysteries of flying, the strange noises we hear, the motions we feel, and the associated fears (fear of flying, flight anxiety, claustrophobia, panic attacks, fear of heights and other flying phobias).
"Dear Captain; My fear was constant, 'How long before it crashes?' I no longer have that fear and I'm looking forward to relaxing on my next flight. Thank you again. (I must admit, I was a little skeptical when I started the course, not believing for a minute that it would work)."
You can overcome your fear of flying right now using my Fear of Flying Help Course. Maybe you have an upcoming flight? This course is very effective in treating fearful white knuckle fliers. Don't be embarrassed or ashamed of your fear. It is quite natural and more common than you think! My Fear of Flying Help Course has helped many, many people.
What our students say about this course

"Having completed Captain Stacey's newest addition to the Fear of Flying Help Course, (the audio version), I would like to state that I believe everyone who is scared of flying and owns a portable audio unit, should take this along on their next trip. I can't imagine better therapy than having the Captain talk you through take-off, descent, and various other moments of tension, (i.e. turbulence, etc.), that you may encounter on a typical flight. It is the next best thing to having the Captain in the seat next to you during your flight."- Maureen D.

"Thanks so much for the audio files. The information really helped me settle my nerves. What nailed it was identifying with the over-active imagination and understanding all the phases and sounds of a flight. The audio format was great because I could put in on my iPod - very convenient and it helped me get ready in a very efficient way."- Eric C.