Prepare to Fly DVD
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(Right click on links below to save to your computer)
Click Here to Download Lesson 1 of Fear of Flying Help Course
If you don't have a FTP program you can download a FTP program here
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Click Here to Download Wings of Discovery eBook (Includes all photos) - (.PDF File)
If you don't have a FTP program you can download a FTP program here
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Click Here to Download Chapter 1 of Wings of Discovery
If you want to download and save these files to your hard drive, right click on the file. In the dialog box that comes up, select "Save Target As ...", then choose a file name and location to store the file. You will have to repeat this process for each file. To play a file back, just double-click the filename.
Important Note for Apple/Mac Users! If you have difficulty downloading files to you computer try this: Hold down the "control" key (labeled "ctrl" on laptops) and click once on the chosen MP3 link but DO NOT release the mouse (or laptop) button. If you keep the button held down, a small contextual menu should appear directly alongside your cursor. Move your cursor arrow down the menu and release the click when you get to "Download Linked File". That saves it to your hard drive's desktop. Larger files may not download properly using your browser. You may have to use a FTP program. What is a FTP program? If you don't have a FTP program you can download a FTP program here
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The MP3 format was chosen for its popularity and small file size, which makes it easier to play the streaming audio directly or download it to your system, even using a dial-up connection. All you need is the standard Windows Media Player ((Download Windows Media Player for PCs) OR (Download Windows Media Player for Macintosh)). If you have an MP3 player (if not, just look in your kid's room; there's probably one there), you can transfer the files from your hard drive into the player and take them with you.
Many home and car stereos are now also MP3-compatable, but most still require a standard CD audio file format. You may have to acquire audio editing software that can convert the MP3 files to a CD audio format. This software is relatively cheap and is available at most computer stores or online.